Catherine Yass: Lighthouse

Working with artist Catherine Yass I used lots of muffled and ominous sea sounds to create the soundtrack for her latest film "Lighthouse" which was previewed at the De la Warr Pavilion in june. It was filmed from a boat and helicopter orbiting the Royal Sovereign Lighthouse, five miles out to sea, just visible from the Pavilion. Yass describes her interest in the project:
"I am fascinated by the structure of the lighthouse, balanced precariously on the corner of the platform, which is in turn balanced on its post. The platform looks too heavy for the post, as though it might topple over at any moment. And yet it survives all weathers and tides, standing throughout them with its odd sense of gravity."
An article can be found here
Runa Islam: Trust
Created and mixed sound for a new film by Runa Islam. Commissioned as part of the UN celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Catherine Yass: High Wire

I created the sound for Highwire a new film by the artist Catherine Yass. A multi-screen film and video installation, High Wire was filmed at the Red Road housing scheme in North Glasgow when French high wire artist Didier Pasquette attempted to walk between three of the high rise tower blocks. The event turned out to be somewhat anti-climatic with high winds leading Pasquette to abandon his walk after several steps out onto the wire and, terrifyingly, retrace his path....

Originally shown at the Centre for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow it has since be exhibited at the German Gymnasium in London and at the Whitworth in Manchester.
Rosemary Butcher: The Hour

Photograph: "The Hour" Rosemary Butcher Tate Modern 2005
In November 2005 I worked with why not associates to create and install a six channel soundscore to accompany new work by innovative choreographer Rosemary Butcher. 'The Hour' was created specifically for the Tate Modern's Turbine Hall.
I have also created a subsequent sound piece to accompany Rosemary Butcher's performance 'Images Every Three Seconds' now touring in Vienna, Munich and Rotterdam.
Susan Philipsz: Follow Me
Photographs: "Follow Me" Susan Philipsz Maryland Park London 2004
In November 2004 I worked on an audio installation by Susan Philipsz piece called "Follow Me". It was installed on a dark rainy day in Maryland Park, Charton London as part of the Paul Rooney curated show titled Pass The Time of Day at Gasworks Gallery. The piece consisted of four separate sound channels routed to four outdoor speakers mounted high in the treetops.